Tuesday, March 9, 2010

That problem I encountered during my research

As with any research project one will always encounter problems in getting that project to its end. While these problems range in difficulty from just simple of time management to having to save the world from an alien invasion no project can be a project without some sort of trouble. Now while I can safely say that the fate of mankind is not in my hands I have had my own share of problems during this project.

Being a member of the Scottish pipe and drum band community for over the past fourteen or so years I’ve found myself better off in the knowledge department than I would have been if I had chosen something I was less knowledgeable in such as throat singing. Also due to my involvement I’ve attended multiple events in both South and North Texas during my lifetime and as such have a very good idea of how performances and competitions work from the point of the audience member and a performer.

As such the biggest problem I encountered during this project was surprisingly something that had absolutely nothing to do with this project (or maybe less surprising due to the previous paragraph). My biggest problem has been figuring out how to get around downtown Dallas.

This problem was made quite clear from my recent attempt of attending the North Texas Irish Festival. Since this festival was held in (or perhaps near … I’m still unclear about that) downtown Dallas and I didn’t know how long I was planning on staying there I decided to drive myself to the festival. After an hour of driving however I realized that my directions were not matching up with the roads I was on and passing. So in an attempt to regain my bearings I attempted to backtrack to an earlier point. This however proved not only impossible but fatal to my sense of where I was due to the one way streets, construction, and directionally challenged roads in downtown. So to cut short a lot of confusion and colorful language I managed to get lost driving around downtown for over five hours and thus completely missing the event. And so while this isn’t exactly a problem within the cultural knowledge department and such getting lost in a manual car is a problem I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

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