Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blog 4: GooGoosh

For our fourth blog assignment we have been requested to find one of GooGoosh’s songs on youtube and comment on the musical elements present within the song. After a bit of searching I decided to do my commentary on Hamseda Medley. Also while I am on the topic of the selection of songs on youtube I must mention that I was surprised at the number of less than standard quality sound recordings there. This has made me wonder if that sound quality is standard for other areas or if that culture obtains its music from places other than the internet.

Anyways after listening to this song I found myself reminded of a jazz and dance mix. This feeling leads to think that this song could possible be a reng however as I just recently began studying this culture there is a very possible that I am wrong in this assumption. What I can say is that the majority of this was sung by a solo singer with an accompaniment of instruments.

The instruments included seem to be drums, a flute, some kind of horned instrument, and some key instrument (like an electric keyboard or piano). Out of all the instruments the drums play the main part for holding the beat while the rest act as accompaniment for most of the song (there are parts where the singer takes a break and the instruments take over).

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