I am proposing to do my musical ethnography on the Scottish music culture of the
Currently I believe that the local
I am proposing to do my musical ethnography on the Scottish music culture of the
Currently I believe that the local
While I can quite safely say that I am a part of and have been influenced by many different music cultures if I had to choose one that has impacted me to most I would have to say it is the Scottish arts (primarily the marching pipe and drum bands). To understand this we have to go all the way back to when I was just a measly 4th grader.
My school at the time, a private Episcopal school, was known for its world class pipe and drum band and in order to keep filling the ranks it started teaching the Scottish arts at a young age (translate that to 4th grade). Like any other young boy with dreams of fame and fortune or perhaps just a wish to not have to go to gym I joined the band. However while most of my classmates went into the piping department I for some reason was drawn to the smaller drumming section.
From that point on there isn’t much to say. While I never did amount to being a world champion I did take part in numerous events ranging from competing at Salado Texas to performing in the Houston’s Toyota Center and had a blast doing so (well except being crushed by a giant inflatable castle one year).
Now after all this tale of valor, glory, and throwing freshmen into the hotel pool you might be wondering how this influenced me. While I would love to say some grand life changing point the answer is clearly this was my first exposure to playing an instrument on a competitive/performance level and thus was my introduction to that world. Of course that isn’t the only thing I came out of this with as I still start drumming random strathspeys or reels every so often and tend to watch/listen to the drummers more than any other part of a band but I feel those pale in regards to my first point.